What Do They Put In Pipe Tobacco
A cup of pipe tobacco is smaller and the smoker doesn't inhale as much, making it difficult to accurately measure nicotine absorption. An average bowl of tobacco contains 1-3 grams of tobacco, with an average of 30-50 mg of nicotine per gram. Smokers do not inhale pipe smoke as often as cigarette smokers, but some nicotine does enter the bloodstream after absorption through the oral mucosa. Even if smokers don't inhale, they are still exposed to the toxic chemicals in pipe smoke. While smoking is often the main cause of COPD, other forms of tobacco, such as pipes and cigars, can also contribute to secondhand smoke inhalation and damage delicate lung tissue. Although generally considered safer than smoking, smoking pipe tobacco is still very harmful to the health of smokers. Pipe tobacco contains many of the harmful chemicals found in cigarettes, including nicotine and toxic chemicals known to cause cancer. A study by the prestigious American Association for Cancer Rese...